Saturday, November 29, 2008

Overview of Chinese Cuisine

Overview of Chinese Cuisine

The large variety of produce and natural resources, geographic locations and climates mark the distinctive characteristics of provincial Chinese cuisine. Chinese culinary culture goes back to the ancient time. Its careful selection of the freshest ingredients, diversified cooking skills and methods and abounding cultural connotation have attracted food connoisseurs from near and far to appreciate the fruit of culinary development.

There are eight major Chinese provincial cuisine, namely, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangdong and Fujian. However, Beijing cuisine has become one of the most popular cuisine because of its tantalising taste.

Beijing :

Influenced by Shandong cuisine and the culinary culture inherited from being the imperial city, Beijing cuisine is highly praised for its large variety of cooking techniques including stir-frying, quick poaching, sauteing, glazing and simmering.

Shandong :

Shandong cuisine is typical northern cuisine which is known for its meticulous preparation of clear and creamy soups. It is famous for seafood dishes which capture the natural flavour of the ingredients.

Anhui :

This cuisine uses a wide selection of cooking ingredients such as tea leaves, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, pears, dates, fresh water fish, seafood and games.

Jiangsu :

Jiangsu cuisine highlights the use of the freshest of ingredients. The masterful culinary skills are sauteing, steaming and braising. White sauce is commonly used in this cuisine.

Zhejiang :

Zhejiang food is a combination of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing cuisines. It brings in a great variety of local produce for cooking and is very particular about the freshness and tenderness of the dishes.

Sichuan :

Diners are attracted to Sichuan cuisine for its distinctive sweet, sour and spicy flavours.

Hunan :

The main cooking methods for Hunan dishes are braising, double-boiling, steaming and stewing. It is also renowned for its sour and spicy flavours and frequent use of preserved meat in cooking.

Guangdong :

Other than those commonly used ingredients such as poultry, beef, pork and seafood, Guangdong cuisine features a great variety of refined dishes prepared with snakes, game and other exotic ingredients.

Fujian :

Acclaimed for specialty dishes prepared with high-value delicacies and seafood.

Thanks for reading,

Wingcent Ning

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